Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Seattle Times zones increase reach; rates to be adjusted July 1, 2009

Dear advertiser, I’m writing to share some important updates regarding your zone display advertising in The Seattle Times. As you know, The Seattle Times is proud to have retained nearly all former P-I subscribers since the transition, which has resulted in The Seattle Times significantly growing its weekday audience. This increased reach has had a particularly positive effect for zone advertisers like you. Depending on the zone, your advertising is now reaching 15% to 38% more area consumers. That means you’re getting even more value from your advertising at a time when keeping a high profile in the marketplace is more important than ever. This increased zone coverage has also resulted in additional production costs, so we will be adjusting zone advertising rates beginning July 1, 2009. These moderate rate changes vary by contract level, but in most cases your cost per consumer reached will still be lower than it was prior to the P-I closure. (See the enclosed rate sheet for a complete rate chart.) Please note that we’ve also added a new $25,000 contract level to reward advertisers at that spending level. I want to thank you for your business and your continued partnership. If you have any questions about these changes or our zone advertising programs, please contact your account executive or call me at 206/652-6276.

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